

Sometimes you look back on your life
and reflect on those blind actions
that have reproduced themselves like fractals
and have given countless positive feedback
on you, or your family, or your own growth.
It is usually those mindless, random, generous
seeds that yield a richer crop of unthinkable
cosmic bounty, of new and crazy possibilities
which you'd have never imagined. That's why—
staying within the limits of profit and safety
only brings pain, suffering, disappointment.
The zen quality of endlessly floating around
in a velvety blanket of uncertain futures
has given us the power to evolve
and become who we are—the happy children
of the stars, travelers, poets and lunatics.

5 comentaris:

  1. M'algrada aquesta alternança anglo-catalana. La mare natural i la mare adoptiva...

  2. Gràcies. En el fons, crec que no és trivial el fet que les paraules ens vinguin en un idioma específic.

  3. Bona aquesta. És veritat, hi ha coses que no sé dir en italià i viceversa...

  4. A voltes, seguim un atzar que no mostra evidents signes d'importància i ens duu a descobrir quelcom excepcional que no imaginàvem o, ni tant sols, compreníem. Així, en rellegir episodis fortuïts i lliures de cautela sabem d'aquelles sorts que ens han forjat. De fet, saber voler albirar no és gens atzarós, un punt de fuga senta bé.

  5. Fermi, gràcies pel comentari :) Me l'apunto.
